A través de esta red social podemos descubrir perfiles inspiradores, no solamente de nuestros artistas favoritos, lugares alrededor del mundo o simplemente donde comer sino también existen de adorables niños alrededor del mundo y uno que llamó mucho nuestra atención fue el pequeño Kai quien ha conquistado Instagram gracias a su adorable cara.
Una publicación compartida por Bethany Ciotola (@bethanyciotola) el
Ojos grandes de un color azul único y rizos color canela es como este pequeño ha logrado derretir hasta los corazones más fríos a través de la cuenta de la bloggera Bethany Ciotola, quien es su mamá.
Una publicación compartida por Bethany Ciotola (@bethanyciotola) el
Aunque solo tiene dos años este pequeño, ha ganado gran número de fans alrededor del mundo por ser simplemente adorable.
Una publicación compartida por Bethany Ciotola (@bethanyciotola) el
Si te preguntas: ¿de dónde salió tan bonito este bebé? simplemente debes de mirar a sus padres Bethany y Chris.
– Momspiration Monday _____________________ As a mom, do I think spending as much quality time as possible with your children is a beautiful thing? Yes, of course! But you know what else is a beautiful thing? Also making the time to maintain a healthy, loving relationship with your significant other. I get A LOT of DMs asking how Chris & I keep the romance alive post-babies and my 3 top answers are – 1️⃣ Communication – 2️⃣ Being on the same team and each other’s biggest supporters – 3️⃣ Continuing to date each-other forever. – *A date doesn’t always need to be a full on romantic candle lit dinner at your favorite restaurant, it can be as simple as catching up over a bowl of ice cream with one other on the couch after you’ve put the kids to bed which can be just as (if not more) intimate. – I think good parenting sometimes means making your marriage a priority. Kids feel when their parents are stressed/not connecting with one another. – A few months back Kai overheard Chris & I bickering over something silly and without even raising our voices he knew something wasn’t right. He came over to me, put his arm on my shoulder & said “It’s ok Mommy & Daddy. It’s ok”. Just because they’re little, doesn’t mean they’re not incredibly intuitive. – As for the inevitable parenting guilt that goes along with leaving your kids at home for a date that social media makes us mothers VERY well aware of, instead of feeling guilty turn it into a positive & loving message to your kids. By letting them know you’re excited to spend some time with their dad, you’re leaving them with the message that “Mommy & Daddy really love each other and need special time together too” giving them a positive outlook on relationships and marriage for their own future. – The love between you and your significant other is the foundation of your family. Never lose sight of what made you fall in love with each-other. ❤️ Una publicación compartida por Bethany Ciotola (@bethanyciotola) el
Kai tiene otro hermano que también es muy querido por sus followers, se trata de Rowan, de un año, y juntos son la cosa más tierna que puedes ver en Internet.
“Ok boys, just act super natural for a quick photo, k? Thanks.”
Una publicación compartida por Bethany Ciotola (@bethanyciotola) el
¿Apoco no está encantador?